Hosted by The Mentorship Founder Eira Joy Aringay, the Dear Future Boss podcast is produced for young people, especially those pursuing alternative careers in industries such as the media, arts and entertainment. This is a series filled with stories, insights and advice on what it takes to build a sustainable and fulfilling life as a multi-passionate creative person.

Latest Episodes

S2 Essential Skills Ep6: Patience

We've come to the end of the 'Essential Skills' series! If you haven't yet, I encourage you to listen to the previous 5 episodes as I share some insights into why buil...

S2 Essential Skills Ep5: Optimism

Do you consider yourself an optimistic person?Some people might think that being optimistic is simply a personality trait - that some people just are, and some are not...

S2 Essential Skills Ep4: Adaptability

In this episode, I discuss the importance of being adaptable in our fast-moving world - one that is now more than ever, troubled with fear of all that is uncertain and...

S2 Essential Skills Ep3: Discipline

It's often a struggle to get moving on things we don't enjoy doing, but that must be done. Any arduous task, or one that takes us out of our comfort zone, is something...

S2 Essential Skills Ep2: Resourcefulness

We live in a culture that often fixates on what we lack in life - of what we don't have enough of - whether it is in material things or standards of beauty and success...

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